Friday, July 24, 2009

Week #6

I am continuing to be amazed at what can be done with the computer. Adding audio to presentations and posting them on the internet. How cool is that! There are some good programs available on the internet to accomplish this task. Some are easier than others but will accomplish the same goal. "Jing" didn't work for me so I tried "Screen-o-matic". That worked and was easy! Still need to learn how to "embed" video into you tube and our class website. Have to start thinking about final progects now!

1 comment:

  1. Wally, embedding a video on YouTube is easy (you don't embed down, you "upload" it). Just sign up for a free account, then you can bring down a menu by hovering over your username (top right of screen in blue), and click on MyVideos. From there it's pretty self explanatory, you can select to upload a video from your computer. The last step of Screen-o-matic should have also given you the option to upload the screencast you created directed from that page onto YouTube.

    To embed the screencast into the class page, you can do it either directly from Screen-o-matic or from YouTube. Either should give you the "Embed" code once you have created/ uploaded the video. All you do then from the class page is bring up the Easy Edit tool bar, click on Widget. Scroll to the last Widget, called "Other Widgets" and click on it. That will bring up a window where you can just paste the Embed code from your video and voila! Good luck
