Thursday, July 30, 2009


I have read everyones ideas about using the things they learned from the Web Tools course in their classrooms. Really good ideas! It looks like a Wiki is a better choice than a class Blog. I would like to set something up like this for my Investigative Techniques class. My original idea was to choose a student "scribe" to record the activities for each days lesson. Because the class is project driven, I now believe that once a week would be enough. The responsibilty of the scribe would be to summarize what was done during that week. The idea is not new but the use of the wiki is. Here are the criteria for the scribe's report:
1.) Dates
2.) Newsy Item of the week. (Something humorous that happened)
3.) Class Summary: What was done for the week, assignments that were due.
4.) Homework

I would also like to post pictures of the students projects and eventually video. I need to check about confidentiality. I want to create links from the wiki to things like youtube videos that could help motivate students interest in the topics that we cover. I would like to have the students look up the videos and suggest some as ideas. I don't want them to be able to change anything without my permission/preview of material.
I would also like to post a course syllabus on the Wiki. These are my ideas! Now, I have to get to work!


  1. I thought I would comment on a wiki being a better choice than a blog. From a student standpoint, I would say that a blog is easier for a student (at least a student with a disability) because it simply requires a comment on someone else's thought. A wiki, at least in my mind, is more open ended and requires a higher level of critical thinking. Just my opinion ... take it at your own risk :)

  2. Using a scribe is useful - I have had students volunteer for the postion in class and gain boosts in self esteem during the process. Any time I can encourage students to get involved, share responsibility, and are accountable to others is a plus.

  3. Wally, following up on Randy's post, you might want to consider using a blog for the scribe reports. A wiki (other than requiring more work to maintain and make sure students keep to the format, etc) is more "static". If you're having weekly reports, it may be better to use a blog which would show the latest one and archive the rest in chronological order... For posting the course curriculum however, since that is a page that wont change during the year, you would probably use a wiki or a regular website that only you can modify (plenty of free website hosts out there, with REALLY simple steps to create sites and upload documents, etc).
