Thursday, July 30, 2009


I have read everyones ideas about using the things they learned from the Web Tools course in their classrooms. Really good ideas! It looks like a Wiki is a better choice than a class Blog. I would like to set something up like this for my Investigative Techniques class. My original idea was to choose a student "scribe" to record the activities for each days lesson. Because the class is project driven, I now believe that once a week would be enough. The responsibilty of the scribe would be to summarize what was done during that week. The idea is not new but the use of the wiki is. Here are the criteria for the scribe's report:
1.) Dates
2.) Newsy Item of the week. (Something humorous that happened)
3.) Class Summary: What was done for the week, assignments that were due.
4.) Homework

I would also like to post pictures of the students projects and eventually video. I need to check about confidentiality. I want to create links from the wiki to things like youtube videos that could help motivate students interest in the topics that we cover. I would like to have the students look up the videos and suggest some as ideas. I don't want them to be able to change anything without my permission/preview of material.
I would also like to post a course syllabus on the Wiki. These are my ideas! Now, I have to get to work!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Personal Learning Network

Some new folks to follow this week. They read about my comments on "Tuva" and gave me a good idea to look up a book about Richard Feynman called "Genius". Still adding more folks to my list. I am finding out that there just isn't enough time to do everything I want to!

Week #6

I am continuing to be amazed at what can be done with the computer. Adding audio to presentations and posting them on the internet. How cool is that! There are some good programs available on the internet to accomplish this task. Some are easier than others but will accomplish the same goal. "Jing" didn't work for me so I tried "Screen-o-matic". That worked and was easy! Still need to learn how to "embed" video into you tube and our class website. Have to start thinking about final progects now!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

This Week

For my final project I would like to incorporate a blog for my invesitagative techniques class. I need to check out the "Trackstar" site and see if that could help. I need to get some more people to follow on twitter. I am getting some good info there.

Personal Learning Network

This week I picked up some information on project "Tuva" from Dale Baslers twitter updates. Had no idea that this existed. Video of Feynman lectures. It is interactive. There are places to write notes and links to other sites that go along with the lecture. Really amazing. Not sure if students would watch the whole thing but could show parts of it.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Online simulations

There are some really good simulations for science teaching. Good for pre or post lesson activities. Also save time. Need to schedule computer lab time once a week for students in physics class to try some of these. Mobile lab is also an option. It only took me 10 minutes to find three simulations that were useful!

Week 4: Personal Learning Network

After reading a few "Tweets" about glogster, I got curious. So I googled "glogster" and now I have an idea what that is all about. This is a sample of what things I have picked up through personal learning networks. Maybe a better idea for the classroom than "blogs?" What do you think?

Friday, July 3, 2009

Personal Learning Networks

This week I have added more classmates to my "following" list. Also included some high power physics gurus. I know this will help give me new ideas for teaching.

Image and Video

I am amazed at all the stuff that can be done on the computer now. I feel like I have come out of the technology cave! I recall reading about the argument a long time ago as to whether or not a horse had two feet on the ground at the same time when running. I believe a slow motion video was made to determine the answer to that question. Thomas Edison comes to mind. I thought of this while reading chapter 2. We have come a long way!
Videos and pictures help improve learning. I saw the light bulbs come on when I showed students the pictures of the "waves" after teaching the lesson and doing the lab. They understood. I realized I needed to do this more often.
I would like to start a classroom blog. Each day a student could be chosen to update the blog. This is an idea stolen from a "master" teacher many years BC (Before Computer). They would be in charge of recording what was done, what was found out and could include video or photos. Some funny fact that happened that day could be included. Thanks Tom Sayers!

Roller Coaster

Here is a video of a roller coaster ride at Darien Lake. It simulates the experience of a motorcycle, hence the name Orange County Choppers Moto Coaster. Our second year physics students take a trip to Darien Lake in the spring. They study the physics of the rides and complete a workbook as part of their final. It is a popular activity and helps enrollement in my class! It is a fun day! Hope this works!

Mind Eraser Roller Coaster

Wavelength of Water Wave

Here is a photo taken during a lab we did using the water wave tanks. It is almost impossible to measure the wavlength using the old fashioned spinning strobe thingys. You can see in the photo the distance between the bright spots, that is the wavlength! I enhanced it by making it more blue! I let students use their cell phone cameras during this lab, they are more likely to have those than pencils, calculators, physics books etc.